List Purchases

  • By clicking on actions button, you can perform multiple actions all purchases.

  • Add Purchases: By clicking on add purchase button, you will redirect to add purchase page.
  • Export to Excel File: By clicking on export to excel button, listing of purchases will export to excel file.
  • Combine to PDF:  By clicking on combine to PDF button, listing of purchases will export to PDF file.
  • Delete Purchases:  By clicking on delete purchases button, you can delete purchases.
  • By clicking on purchase’s action button, you can perform multiple actions on that particular purchase.

  • Purchase Details: By clicking on purchase details button, all the details of that purchase will generate.
  • View Payment: By clicking on view payment button, payment details of that purchase will generate.
  • Add Payment: By clicking on add payment button, you can add payment amount to that purchase.
  • Edit Purchase: By clicking on edit purchase button, you can edit purchase details.
  • Download as PDF: By clicking on download as PDF button, PDF of that purchase will download.
  • Email purchase: By clicking on email purchase button, you can email purchase details to anyone.
  • Return Purchase: By clicking on return purchase button, you can return delivered or paid purchase.
  • Delete Purchase: By clicking on the delete purchase button, you can delete purchase.