
How to add a purchase

  • Click on purchases dropdown button.
  • Go to add purchases.

  • By clicking on add purchase button you will redirect to following add purchase page.

  • To add a purchase there are three pre-requisite fields which are mentioned below:
  • Warehouse: Warehouse is in which your required product is mean to supply.
  • Status: Here you can select status of the purchase by clicking on dropdown status button.
  • Supplier: Here you can add supplier manually or pre-defined supplier.
  • After adding pre-requisite fields, the next step is to add products which you want to purchase.
  • To add products either you can search for product from search bar or manually by clicking the (+) button. 

  • After adding products, you can select tax by clicking on order tax dropdown. 
  • You can order discount for that purchase.
  • Enter shipping charges for that purchase.
  • Enter payment term. (i.e. in how many days you will pay for that purchase)

  • You can enter any notes for purchase.
  • Now, click on the submit button to submit purchase or click reset button to clear all fields.

  • Note: After submitting the purchase, user will redirect to list purchase page where listing of all purchase’s maps.