POS Sales Details

  • By clicking on POS sales button, POS sales details page will open.

  • By clicking on action dropdown button following options will appear.

  • Duplicate Sale: By clicking on duplicate sale button, duplicate sale will create.
  • View Receipt: By clicking on view receipt button, sale receipt will generate.
  • Sale Details Modal: By clicking on sale details modal, sale details modal will generate.
  • Sale Details: By clicking on sale details button, all the details of that sale will generate.
  • View Payment: By clicking on view payment button, payment details of particular sale will generate.
  • Add Payment: By clicking on add payment button, you can add amount to that sale.
  • Packing List: By clicking on packing list button, you can view packing details of sale.
  • Add Delivery: By clicking on add delivery button, you can add delivery details of sale.
  • Add Fulfillment: By clicking on add fulfillment button, you can add fulfillment details of the product.
  • Edit Sale: By clicking on edit sale button, you can edit sale details.
  • Email sale: By clicking on email sale button, you can email sale details to anyone.
  • Return Sale: By clicking on return sale button, you can return delivered or paid sales.
  • Delete Sale: By clicking on the delete sale button, you can delete sale.
  • Suspended sales: You can view credit/suspend sale details by clicking on suspend button as highlighted.

  • Register details: You can view overall details of the business by clicking on register details button.

  • Close register: By clicking the close register button a form opens which contains the details of closing the register.
  • Close Register works in a manner that it closes the business from the start till the date when the owner clicks on the close register for closing purpose.

  • Expense Button: By clicking on expense button a form opens which contains the details to add the expense of any date.

  • Today’s profit: By clicking on today’s profit button you can view details of the day.

  • Today’s Sale: By clicking on today’s sales button you can view all details of today’s sales.

  • Product Sale Count: By clicking on Product Sale Count button, you can view all details of Product sales count.

  • List open register: By clicking on list open register you can view all users and there’s counter details.